• Henrik

    August 1, 2016

    I’ve ordered a copy and am very much looking forward to it. If it’s anything like this blog, your book will be eagerly gobbled up by rye enthusiasts all over the world!

  • Karin Anderson

    August 10, 2016

    Sounds good – but I never doubted that 🙂 Congratulations!

  • Lance

    September 26, 2016

    Just wondering if recipes will include Bakers Percents? They are included on this blog, and if also in the book I will definitely order a copy right away. Thank you and congrats on what looks like it will be a hit.

    • Stanley Ginsberg

      September 27, 2016

      The book recipes are in the same format as the blog recipes, with the exception that the book also provides volume (cup/spoon) measurements.

    • Stanley Ginsberg

      September 27, 2016

      The book recipes follow the same format as the blog recipes, with the addition of volume (cup/spoon) measurements.

  • Lance

    September 27, 2016

    Fantastic and many thanks for the quick reply. Off to Amazon to order/pre-order a copy.


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